Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Fourth Doctor Scarf

This is the scarf I'm making for my aunt based on the 4th Doctor's from Doctor Who. It was a much bigger project then I realized it would be, but I think it's coming along quite nicely :)

A picture of the Doctor for reference

Wilderness Explorer Sash

Here's the sash I created based on the Wilderness Explorer uniform worn by the character Russell in the movie "Up".

Here he is for comparison

I created the badges with Adobe Illustrator, printed them out onto transfer paper, cut them out individually and ironed them on to a Girl Scout sash.

And here's the sash with the Grape Soda pin I purchased on Etsy

I plan on wearing the sash on our trip to Disney World next month :)

To buy your own Grape Soda pin, click here

Doctor Who TARDIS Backpack

Here is the TARDIS backpack I made last month. I had planned on making and selling them on Etsy, but the backpack I used is no longer manufactured... 

The backpack was pink before I painted it

It took many, many, maannyy coats of paint to cover up all the pink!

Pictures don't really do it justice, it is SO sparkly. You can especially see the colors in the rhinestones when you move it.

I plan on taking it to Disney World next month to use as a daypack. I just hope that it holds up to the weather...